Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Update: Late November

Hi, I hope everyone has been enjoying the Reviews and Wolfer Q & A's I've been doing over the last couple of weeks. Stay tuned as there's plenty more of these to come!
Now onto some recent Wolf 3d related news.

Balames87 has finished his Poll, as mentioned in THIS post, asking for which Wolf 3d mod he will do a walkthrough on next. The final results of the poll were;

Revival of Memories - 10%
Project EisenRitter - 25%
Absence SDL - 25%
Spear: End of Destiny - 40%

You can watch Balames' YouTube video of Spear: End of Destiny - Level 1 here;

I'm not going to post any more of these but thought I'd just put up the first level so that everyone is aware what mod he is working through now and can start to follow the videos on their own if they wanted to. If you wish to play Spear: End of Destiny or any of the other mods in the poll you can download them by clicking on their name above.

Zombie_Plan has switched to a new site for his Wolf 3d mod reviews and is also currently in the process of transferring over some of his older reviews to the new site. You can get there by clicking HERE or from the links page on the right of this post. His reviews are really entertaining reading and give a good honest appraisal of the mods he reviews.

SonderKommando: Revolt is still progressing along at a nice pace and should only be a few weeks away from completion.

DoomJedi has already done a lot of work starting to develop the sequel, SonderKommando 2: Warsaw Uprising, especially it's storyline and graphics.

Here's a very early screenshot;
It looks like most of the same team will be working on this that worked on Part 1. We will be using the same SDL source code as a base and will be just adding some other special features to it. This should (hopefully) save a lot of time and help reduce the length of the project. I'll be onboard as a mapper again and am really looking forward to getting into making some maps for it.

Thanks again to everyone that's been reading the blog, I've had a lot of visitors over the last month and I hope this is helping everyone keep in touch with some of the things that are going on in the Community, as well as some of the hard work that people are putting into their mods and also a little bit about some members of the Community.

Until next time, keep Wolfing everyone! :)

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