Wednesday, May 04, 2011

Feature: Wolfenstein 3d YouTube Videos

I've noticed lately that there has been a big increase in the number of YouTube videos appearing that show either walkthrough's or showcases of Wolf mods or trailers for upcoming releases.

Having watched a lot of these I feel this is a great medium to help promote and explore Wolf mods without having to play them yourself. Listed below are some of the people I've found who've been doing these and can recommend watching.

Mod Trailers
Releasing a trailer for your upcoming mod can really help get some buzz going about your project and showcase a fair bit in a short amount of time for people to decide whether they want to download the mod to play it through for themselves or not.
You can watch any of the following by clicking on either the name of the video you would like to watch or by clicking on the 'play' symbol of any of the YouTube videos here. You can also click on any person's name which will take you directly to their YouTube page.

Joshua has released a number of trailers for his mods. They combine nicely chosen music and a good look at what the mod is about.
Doctor Who
Doom: The Movie
Tara Carmichael
End of Dragons
Return of Dragons
Frayed -

Max has always made interesting mods and the following trailers sure show some of the creative and good looking aspects of his mods.
Evil Dead
Northern Darkness
DeathTrigger -

Jayngo hasn't posted much but the trailer for his Umbrella beginnings mod really gives a great insight into his fantastic mod.
Wolfenstein: Umbrella Beginnings -

InsurrectionMan shows what looks to be a fairly standard looking Doom mod, until you realise he's made all this is the Wolf 3d code! This shows how much hard work has been put into the mod and how impressive it looks.

Mod Walkthroughs
The number of people producing Wolf 3d walkthrough videos has increased lately which is great for those of us that like to watch these but don't have the time to play through all these mods ourselves.
You can watch any of the following by clicking on either the name of the video you would like to watch or by clicking on the 'play' symbol of any of the YouTube videos here. You can also click on any person's name which will take you directly to their YouTube page.

Probably the most well known producer of Wolf 3d mod walkthroughs is Balames87. Balames does commentary while playing through each level that really helps with understanding the level and the best way to proceed through it. Balames also has a suggestion page where he will do a blind playthrough of the highest voted mod each week. John has released over 500 videos with most being Wolf 3d levels with the majority completed to 100% of everything.
LingYan does a lot of Wolf 3d levels without commentary and shows the quickest and best way to get through levels. He doesn't always get 100% but his playthroughs are a big help for anyone stuck on a level and needing to know how to complete it.
Richter has made a lot of Wolf 3d mods over the years under his current name as well as his previous nickname of Kyo Kusangi. Probably the bravest thing he has done for his Wolf 3d walkthroughs is to showcase and review his own mods.
Showcase #1 - Assault on Castle Wolfenstein & Assault on Germany
Showcase #2 - Assault on Germany 2 & Operation Recapture Spear
Showcase #3 - The Rise of Jason & Resident Evil
Showcase #4 - Resident Evil: Cover Operation & The Rise of Hitler
Showcase #5 - Spear of Dreams Parts 1-5
Showcase #6 - The Lost World Parts 1 & 2-7
Showcase #7 - Project X & Project X: Insurrection sneak peek
Deathtrigger -

WildWeasel has done some walkthroughs of a few recent Wolf 3d releases with commentary, he also does a lot of Doom walkthroughs and other things also.
Joseph has done a number of walkthroughs of Wolf 3d mods most of which are done very precisely and at an alarming speed! He has also done a few mods where he just demonstrates how to kill each Boss in a mod.

Thanks for reading this feature, I hope you enjoyed it. If you have any suggestions of anything you like to see as a feature then please contact me and I'll see what I can do :)

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