Monday, October 25, 2010

More screenshots and weekly update.

I've spent most of my Wolf time over the last week working on Par times for SonderKommand: Revolt and with placing some more items into the levels for a particular NEW feature that no one will have seen before which I can not reveal here. This will be a fun feature and add a lot more interest in searching through the levels. I've also managed to fix another couple of minor mapping errors I've found while doing the Par times so I'd be shocked if there still anything incorrect in any of the levels, although I didn't think there would be this time around either!

Here's a couple more new screenshots from Sonder, I think these might have been posted elsewhere by now or will be very soon.

From what I hear, the DHW SDL mapset is coming along nicely as well with at least half the 60 maps done already from the various mappers. I'll be working on mine as soon as I get these Par times finally worked out for Sonder. It's been such a long time since I mapped for the original set so it's going to be interesting how restrictive I'm going to find it after only mapping for Sonder for the last 2 years with almost unlimited numbers of spots for things.

Balames87 has finished his YouTube videos for Spear of Destiny: Reloaded. If you haven't had a chance to catch them I can strongly recommend you check them out. Hopefully Balames also does some other Wolf mods soon as well.

Until next time...

Thursday, October 21, 2010

October 2010 Update

I've spent the last couple of days doing the Par times for SonderKommando: Revolt plus fixing some other minor things I've come across while playing through the levels. Par times are taking a very long time as we are contemplating doing an additional function when it comes to these that I can't really talk about at this time but will be something that will give players an extra challenge if it's included.

Here's a couple of new Sonder screenshots;

I think one of these may have appeared before but I'm not sure. Don't take too much notice of the Area (Level) numbers as they aren't accurate for the final release, they are in a random order for testing purposes.

The only other thing I've been doing is watching Balames87 YouTube videos that he has done of Spear of Destiny: Reloaded. The videos are a lot of fun and really show the best way to get through the levels safely and with 100% of everything.

I'd love it Balames could do SonderKommando: Revolt once it's been released! :)

If you want a good laugh then check out his commentary on his StoneKeep videos!

Until next time, keep Wolfing! :)

Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Back to blogging Wolf again!

Hi Everyone. Well it's been about 2 years since I last blogged here as I have a website but have never really found time to develop it. Blogging is much easier and still gives me a quick easy way to have a say and let people know whats going in with me Wolfenstein related, so I'll keep posting on here from time to time.

Here's what I'm currently working on;

1. DHW SDL Mapset - I am working on some levels for an SDL mapset that some members of the Die Hard Wolfers Forum have been working on. The mapset has some extremely talented Wolf mappers involved including; AReyeP, Serpens, Ack, Thomas & RonWolf. I'm working on Episode 5 so I will be doing a Boss level with Gretel in it, something I haven't done before. I'm currently working on Level 1 but it's going to need a fair bit more revision if I am to get it up to the standard of where i suspect this mapset will be at when completed.

We are looking for a Xmas/End of Year release at this stage.

2. SonderKommando Revolt - Sonder is still going after 3 1/2 years and after some setbacks is getting closer to release then it ever has before. We have had 5 coders work on the TC over the time and with Havoc we are finally getting things completed, not that the others didn't all do awesome work. I thought I had finished my participation in the TC, as all levels have been fully mapped, but I am now doing some additional placement of some sprites for a bonus feature that I can't really discuss. We have also recently discussed removing the 'secret' weapon and decided that it won't be in the normal Sonder levels so there are some changes there I need to make as well.
The mod, in my humble opinion, is brilliant to play and really like something that hasn't been released before. I hoping that everyone can see the hard work that has gone into Sonder. It's unusual where that we all think that playing the game with the music turned off gives it more atmosphere and enhances the gameplay, it will be interesting to hear what others think about this when it's released.

Well thats about it for now. I have played through some Wolf mods lately including the brilliant Spear of Destiny: Reloaded which I can highly recommend, and it's in SDL so everyone can play it!I have some reviews I've written for mods that I've played through and/or tested over the years so I may start posting them here also.

Not sure anyone is actually going to read this but we'll leave it as a surprise and see how long it takes. I have added this blog as my website at the Die Hard Wolfers Forum so someone may stumble across it sooner or later. Until next time....